107 research outputs found

    Do-or-die life cycles and diverse post-infection resistance mechanisms limit the evolution of parasite host ranges

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.In light of the dynamic nature of parasite host ranges and documented potential for rapid host shifts, the observed high host specificity of most parasites remains an ecological paradox. Different variants of host-use trade-offs have become a mainstay of theoretical explanations of the prevalence of host specialism, but empirical evidence for such trade-offs is rare. We propose an alternative theory based on basic features of the parasite life cycle: host selection and subsequent intrahost replication. We introduce a new concept of effective burst size that accounts for the fact that successful host selection does not guarantee intrahost replication. Our theory makes a general prediction that a parasite will expand its host range if its effective burst size is positive. An in silico model of bacteria-phage coevolution verifies our predictions and demonstrates that the tendency for relatively narrow host ranges in parasites can be explained even in the absence of trade-offs.IG was supported by a NERC Advanced Fellowship. IG and MS were also funded by a BBSRC EEID grant

    Biophysical mechanisms that maintain biodiversity through trade-offs

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleTrade-offs are thought to arise from inevitable, biophysical limitations that prevent organisms from optimizing multiple traits simultaneously. A leading explanation for biodiversity maintenance is a theory that if the shape, or geometry, of a trade-off is right, then multiple species can coexist. Testing this theory, however, is difficult as trait data is usually too noisy to discern shape, or trade-offs necessary for the theory are not observed in vivo. To address this, we infer geometry directly from the biophysical mechanisms that cause trade-offs, deriving the geometry of two by studying nutrient uptake and metabolic properties common to all living cells. To test for their presence in vivo we isolated Escherichia coli mutants that vary in a nutrient transporter, LamB, and found evidence for both trade-offs. Consistent with data, population genetics models incorporating the trade-offs successfully predict the co-maintenance of three distinct genetic lineages, demonstrating that trade-off geometry can be deduced from fundamental principles of living cells and used to predict stable genetic polymorphisms

    Evolution of drug-resistant and virulent small colonies in phenotypically diverse populations of the human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. the final version is available from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: Additional description of methods, results and the supplementary figures are provided in the electronic supplementary material file ‘Duxbury_Methods_Figures1-11EMS.pdf.’ The datasets supporting this article have been uploaded as part of the supplementary material in file ‘Duxbury_RawDataEMS.xlsx’.Antimicrobial resistance frequently carries a fitness cost to a pathogen, measured as a reduction in growth rate compared to the sensitive wild-type, in the absence of antibiotics. Existing empirical evidence points to the following relationship between cost of resistance and virulence. If a resistant pathogen suffers a fitness cost in terms of reduced growth rate it commonly has lower virulence compared to the sensitive wild-type. If this cost is absent so is the reduction in virulence. Here we show, using experimental evolution of drug resistance in the fungal human pathogen Candida glabrata, that reduced growth rate of resistant strains need not result in reduced virulence. Phenotypically heterogeneous populations were evolved in parallel containing highly resistant sub-population small colony variants (SCVs) alongside sensitive sub-populations. Despite their low growth rate in the absence of an antifungal drug, the SCVs did not suffer a marked alteration in virulence compared with the wild-type ancestral strain, or their co-isolated sensitive strains. This contrasts with classical theory that assumes growth rate to positively correlate with virulence. Our work thus highlights the complexity of the relationship between resistance, basic life-history traits and virulence.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)European Research Council (ERC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Predicting community dynamics of antibiotic-sensitive and -resistant species in fluctuating environments (article)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordThe dataset associated with this article is available in ORE: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.2323Microbes occupy almost every niche within and on their human hosts. Whether colonizing the gut, mouth or bloodstream, microorganisms face temporal fluctuations in resources and stressors within their niche but we still know little of how environmental fluctuations mediate certain microbial phenotypes, notably antimicrobial-resistant ones. For instance, do rapid or slow fluctuations in nutrient and antimicrobial concentrations select for, or against, resistance? We tackle this question using an ecological approach by studying the dynamics of a synthetic and pathogenic microbial community containing two species, one sensitive and the other resistant to an antibiotic drug where the community is exposed to different rates of environmental fluctuation. We provide mathematical models, supported by experimental data, to demonstrate that simple community outcomes, such as competitive exclusion, can shift to coexistence and ecosystem bistability as fluctuation rates vary. Theory gives mechanistic insight into how these dynamical regimes are related. Importantly, our approach highlights a fundamental difference between resistance in single-species populations, the context in which it is usually assayed, and that in communities. While fast environmental changes are known to select against resistance in single-species populations, here we show that they can promote the resistant species in mixed-species communities. Our theoretical observations are verified empirically using a two-species Candida community.European Research Council (ERC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Metabolic trade-offs and the maintenance of the fittest and the flattest.

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    This is the post print version of the article, deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelines. The final definitive version is available from: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v472/n7343/full/nature09905.htmlHow is diversity maintained? Environmental heterogeneity is considered to be important, yet diversity in seemingly homogeneous environments is nonetheless observed. This, it is assumed, must either be owing to weak selection, mutational input or a fitness advantage to genotypes when rare. Here we demonstrate the possibility of a new general mechanism of stable diversity maintenance, one that stems from metabolic and physiological trade-offs. The model requires that such trade-offs translate into a fitness landscape in which the most fit has unfit near-mutational neighbours, and a lower fitness peak also exists that is more mutationally robust. The 'survival of the fittest' applies at low mutation rates, giving way to 'survival of the flattest' at high mutation rates. However, as a consequence of quasispecies-level negative frequency-dependent selection and differences in mutational robustness we observe a transition zone in which both fittest and flattest coexist. Although diversity maintenance is possible for simple organisms in simple environments, the more trade-offs there are, the wider the maintenance zone becomes. The principle may be applied to lineages within a species or species within a community, potentially explaining why competitive exclusion need not be observed in homogeneous environments. This principle predicts the enigmatic richness of metabolic strategies in clonal bacteria and questions the safety of lethal mutagenesis as an antimicrobial treatment

    Stability of Cross-Feeding Polymorphisms in Microbial Communities

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this record.Cross-feeding, a relationship wherein one organism consumes metabolites excreted by another, is a ubiquitous feature of natural and clinically-relevant microbial communities and could be a key factor promoting diversity in extreme and/or nutrient-poor environments. However, it remains unclear how readily cross-feeding interactions form, and therefore our ability to predict their emergence is limited. In this paper we developed a mathematical model parameterized using data from the biochemistry and ecology of an E. coli cross-feeding laboratory system. The model accurately captures short-term dynamics of the two competitors that have been observed empirically and we use it to systematically explore the stability of cross-feeding interactions for a range of environmental conditions. We find that our simple system can display complex dynamics including multi-stable behavior separated by a critical point. Therefore whether cross-feeding interactions form depends on the complex interplay between density and frequency of the competitors as well as on the concentration of resources in the environment. Moreover, we find that subtly different environmental conditions can lead to dramatically different results regarding the establishment of cross-feeding, which could explain the apparently unpredictable between-population differences in experimental outcomes. We argue that mathematical models are essential tools for disentangling the complexities of cross-feeding interactions.IG was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Advanced Fellowship NE/E013007/3 and a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant MathModExp 647292, MK was funded by a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) NPP Fellowship and NASA NNX12AD87G, IG and PR were funded by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/J010340/1, KS was supported by National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) 2R01HG003328 - 07A1 and FR was supported by NASA NNX12AD87G. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Harbouring public good mutants within a pathogen population can increase both fitness and virulence

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Existing theory, empirical, clinical and field research all predict that reducing the virulence of individuals within a pathogen population will reduce the overall virulence, rendering disease less severe. Here, we show that this seemingly successful disease management strategy can fail with devastating consequences for infected hosts. We deploy cooperation theory and a novel synthetic system involving the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. In vivo infections of rice demonstrate that M. oryzae virulence is enhanced, quite paradoxically, when a public good mutant is present in a population of high-virulence pathogens. We reason that during infection, the fungus engages in multiple cooperative acts to exploit host resources. We establish a multi-trait cooperation model which suggests that the observed failure of the virulence reduction strategy is caused by the interference between different social traits. Multi-trait cooperative interactions are widespread, so we caution against the indiscriminant application of anti-virulence therapy as a disease-management strategy.Natural Environment Research Council NE/E013007/3Natural Environment Research Council Doctoral training grantEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral training grant studentshipEuropean Research Council no. 294702 GENBLASTEuropean Research Council no. 647292 MathModEx

    Kinase inhibition leads to hormesis in a dual phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Many antimicrobial and anti-tumour drugs elicit hormetic responses characterised by low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. While this can have profound consequences for human health, with low drug concentrations actually stimulating pathogen or tumour growth, the mechanistic understanding behind such responses is still lacking. We propose a novel, simple but general mechanism that could give rise to hormesis in systems where an inhibitor acts on an enzyme. At its core is one of the basic building blocks in intracellular signalling, the dual phosphorylation-dephosphorylation motif, found in diverse regulatory processes including control of cell proliferation and programmed cell death. Our analytically-derived conditions for observing hormesis provide clues as to why this mechanism has not been previously identified. Current mathematical models regularly make simplifying assumptions that lack empirical support but inadvertently preclude the observation of hormesis. In addition, due to the inherent population heterogeneities, the presence of hormesis is likely to be masked in empirical population-level studies. Therefore, examining hormetic responses at single-cell level coupled with improved mathematical models could substantially enhance detection and mechanistic understanding of hormesis.Funding bodies: BBSRC (BB/J010340/1); EPSRC (EP/I00503X/1); Wellcome Trust (ISSF to University of Exeter)

    The unconstrained evolution of fast and efficient antibiotic-resistant bacterial genomes

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    PublishedThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via the DOI in this record.-The rrn knockout strains derived from E. coli MG1655 were gifted by T. Bollenbach, strain AG100 was provided by S. Levy and Candida strains were a gift from S. Bates, who are sincerely thanked for their help

    Transmission rates and adaptive evolution of pathogens in sympatric heterogeneous plant populations

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    Diversification in agricultural cropping patterns is widely practised to delay the build–up of virulent races that can overcome host resistance in pathogen populations. This can lead to balanced polymorphism, but the long–term consequences of this strategy for the evolution of crop pathogen populations are still unclear. The widespread occurrence of sibling species and reproductively isolated sub–species among fungal and oomycete plant pathogens suggests that evolutionary divergence is common. This paper develops a mathematical model of host–pathogen interactions using a simple framework of two hosts to analyse the influences of sympatric host heterogeneity on the long–term evolutionary behaviour of plant pathogens. Using adaptive dynamics, which assumes that sequential mutations induce small changes in pathogen fitness, we show that evolutionary outcomes strongly depend on the shape of the trade–off curve between pathogen transmission on sympatric hosts. In particular, we determine the conditions under which the evolutionary branching of a monomorphic into a dimorphic population occurs, as well as the conditions that lead to the evolution of specialist (single host range) or generalist (multiple host range) pathogen populations
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